These doll still make me smile. I would love to be sewing them right now. I've not got much time now, my Mother has come to live with us since my Dad past away.I enjoy her company but it does take time.Anyway my good friend how are you doing? Thank You so much for showing the dolls. XXXXXX
Какая же Вы умница! Такие прелестные малыши получились! И видео очень понятное. Спасибо, что поделились!
Ура-а-а дождалась!!! Ирина спасибо
Спасибо за МК!!! Очень милые игрушки!!!
These doll still make me smile. I would love to be sewing them right now. I've not got much time now, my Mother has come to live with us since my Dad past away.I enjoy her company but it does take time.Anyway my good friend how are you doing? Thank You so much for showing the dolls. XXXXXX