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please give me the pattern of these Crocheting Octopus and starfish

marzieh (Mahjabin soltani)
marzieh (Mahjabin soltani)
2014-05-20 23:00:10
Рейтинг: 13
Комментариев: 22
Топиков: 3
На сайте с: 05.05.2014

 please give me the pattern of these Crocheting Octopus and starfish with video or picture
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15 комментариев
galina5 (Галина)
2014-05-21 09:51:35

Здесь несколько вариантов морских звёзд. Возможно, что-то подойдёт. А осминожка, увы, нет.
marzieh (Mahjabin soltani)
2014-05-21 22:09:33
thank you very much, but that's not what i wanted.
lazy (Татьяна)
2014-05-21 11:07:29
Still looking for Octobus… starfish could be seen here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgGAKiJYN84&list=PLOREw1fOEEbBOIkK_6GjrgdacCj8NqEfA 
Just one notice- if you can crochet, it's very easy to do it by looking on the picture. Unfortunately I can do it but couldn't make a patten. Will try to find in internet. Sure our girls will help.  Anyway — good luck to you
marzieh (Mahjabin soltani)
2014-05-21 22:10:53
thanks but that's not whats in my images.
marzieh (Mahjabin soltani)
2014-05-21 22:20:42
thank you very much for your support, this dress is for sale! and there were no pattern anywhere...
if you/(any body) can Crocheting this and make a video or anyway you can show me how to, thats very kind.
lazy (Татьяна)
2014-05-22 21:15:12
Sorry darling, I'm really busy at moment and afraid will be next 6 months. Really sorry. Will try to ask somebody for you
marzieh (Mahjabin soltani)
2014-05-22 21:53:47
Thanks no problem
vera09 (вера)
2014-05-21 12:33:57
мерси, утощила....
marzieh (Mahjabin soltani)
2014-05-22 22:31:53
hi  Ludmila You're very kind  thank you very much for your support 
ludochka (Людмила)
2014-05-22 22:41:02
I wish You success in work